Parent PLUS Loans

Tips for Parent PLUS Loans

  • The Parent PLUS Loan is borrowed only by a parent for their student's educational expenses.
  • A Parent PLUS Loan is not listed on the award offer for the student to accept.
  • Parents wishing to borrow the Parent PLUS Loan must be U.S. citizens, and may be the biological, adoptive, or stepparent of the dependent student.
  • The Parent PLUS loan borrower does not have to be the sameĀ parentĀ used on the FAFSA.

How to Apply for a Parent PLUS Loan

  1. A parent will log in using their own Federal Student (FSA) ID to begin the Federal Parent PLUS Loan process.
  2. Once logged in, ensure that the parent's name is displayed at the top right of the screen.
  3. Select "Apply for a Direct PLUS Loan" and choose "Direct PLUS Loan Application for Parents."
  4. Fill out and submit the application. This will initiate a credit check, which is valid for 90 days.
  5. Calculate and input the specific amount you will need to borrow. To determine the amount needed to cover total billed costs, families can use the Estimated Remaining Cost Tool.
  6. If the credit check is approved, the parent borrower must sign a PLUS Master Promissory Note (MPN) if an active PLUS MPN is not on file for the student.
  7. If the credit check is denied, review other options.